Meet Brendan

Brendan graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Applied Engineering.  He spent 8 years working for a $40B global, Tier 1 automotive supplier on semi-autonomous vehicles and radar-based safety solutions. As a Project Manager, he led a global team of over 30 people to launch a $400M lifetime project that resulted in an enhanced customer relationship and appreciation from multiple global automakers. His experience in the demanding automotive industry required that he engage with executive management, travel worldwide, and work across multiple continents and cultures. Brendan demonstrated success by leveraging problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills to build strong teams and deliver exceptional results. He currently works as a Project Management consultant with multiple national manufacturing businesses across the biomedical, industrial, structural, and automotive industries. Brendan lives in Holland and attends Georgetown Christian Fellowship church.

The Path To Candidacy

The unconstitutional actions taken by government officials in 2020 brought an abrupt halt to the concept of freedom in America. The illegal mandates in Michigan, the suspicious November election results, and the Mainstream Media censorship drove Brendan to activate his civic duty. 

What Just Happened?

Many of us went to sleep on the night of the 2020 presidential election feeling secure that President Trump had been reelected for another term. Then the nightmare began. For the next 2 years, Brendan researched Michigan election law, voter rolls, and electronic equipment as a team captain at Election Integrity Force (EIF), a non-profit organization formed by citizens concerned with attempts to subvert the integrity of our elections.  Multiple reports that documented substantive voter roll errors and conflicts were presented to elected officials and county employees but saw little to no action taken. Even before the 2020 election, Judicial Watch announced that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. Michigan had registered voters at 105%.  According to a recent Gallup poll, 59% of Americans do not have confidence in the honesty and integrity of U.S. elections. 

Taking The Next Step

In early 2023, Brendan was elected to be the Chair of the Ottawa County Republican Party.  Faced with no funds and little-to-no structure, the new leadership team took a startup approach to restore the county party to the Republican platform, focused on Constitutional values. Under Brendan’s leadership, these hard-working Republicans passed new bylaws and established policies and procedure guidelines, developed a state-of-the-art training platform for over 330 precinct delegates, vetted strong, conservative candidates for local races, launched a brand refresh, remodeled the Holland office, conducted November 2022 election audit on select precincts, and hosted 15 educational and fundraising events.  

Let’s ROAR Together

Unhappy with the status quo, Brendan made the decision to run for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives so he can effectively fight for the people of Michigan’s 4th district. It’s past time for Republicans to stand for the rights and liberties of Americans, instead of pleasing globalist special interests and spending taxpayer dollars on foreign wars. Brendan is running to give you a voice and to Revive Our American Republic!