Rebuild Economic Prosperity

The skyrocketing cost of energy, record-setting levels of debt and rising taxes threaten our economic strength. 

Brendan supports opening production of all available energy sources, especially oil and gas.  He will vote to end the socialist Green New Deal because it’s not green and it’s not a deal for Americans. He will vote to stop sending money to foreign adversaries and funding foreign wars. He will return rightful power back to the states based on the U.S. Constitution. He will turn off the Federal Reserve printing press and push for the dollar to be backed by gold. 

By strengthening the energy independence of America, reducing the size of government, and simplifying the tax code (potentially a flat tax), inflation will be reduced, and jobs will be created. It’s time to put more Americans back to work with higher wages and a better quality of life. 

Action Items

Lower debt
Secure energy independence and diversity
Reduce taxes

Defend Citizen & American

Our nation’s border is wide open. More than 9.4 million immigrants illegally entered our country from 2021-2024 and, predictably, we’ve witnessed an explosion of crime, drugs and human trafficking. Meanwhile, Americans are experiencing an all-out assault on their Constitutional rights. 

Brendan will vote to ensure the entire U.S. border is secure, being keenly aware that Michigan is a northern border state. He will stop the funding of illegal aliens, and instead support Social Security, Medicare and veteran affairs. He will protect and defend your Constitutional Rights, with special emphasis on freedom of speech and religion, the right to keep and bear arms, medical freedom and due process. Brendan supports a digital bill of rights and legislation to bring back American supply chains and manufacturing. 

Our founders established a government that protects your God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Brendan will support Main Street and American workers.

Action Items

Secure the border
Protect and defend constitutional rights
America First strategy
Stop funding foreign wars

Restore Honest and
Lawful Elections

The security, integrity and accuracy of our elections have been compromised.

In 2018, Michigan passed a mail-in voting proposal that permitted anyone in the state to vote absentee without needing an excuse. In October 2020, Judicial Watch announced that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In Michigan, voting machines are connected to the internet, yet public officials have refused to turn on ballot imaging. Despite multiple reports that documented substantive voter roll errors and election equipment failures, Michigan’s elected officials have taken little to no action. 

Brendan firmly supports the use of paper ballots, a voter ID for all citizens, same day voting, citizen-led audits, removal of no-excuse mail in ballots (only for bedridden or overseas military), elimination of unsecure drop boxes, and removal of private money in elections. 

Action Items

Require voter ID
Same day voting with paper ballots
Remove no-excuse mail-in ballots
Eliminate drop boxes
Remove private money from elections
Allow citizen-led audits

Return to Education Excellence

The American education system has been taken over by progressive ideologies that are indoctrinating our youth with inappropriate racial, sexual and political material. As a result, our children are falling behind in math, reading and writing — the knowledge and skills they need to find well-paying jobs.  

As an engineer, Brendan understands the importance of learning to think critically and solve problems. These skills are built from a solid foundation in arithmetic, reading and writing. Brendan will cut federal funding for any school or program that pushes critical race theory. He strongly supports a universal school choice program, giving parents the authority to pick the best schools for their children and drive accountability. Brendan will promote the teaching of citizens’ rights and duties as Americans. 

Bringing patriotic and western civics back to schools will drive the next great American revolution of thought and innovation.

Action Items

Value critical skills, not critical race theory
Restore parental rights
Support school choice
Promote citizens’ rights and duties as Americans through constitutional education

Stand for West Michigan

Do the people of District 4 feel they are being fairly represented in Congress? Current approval ratings say no — hovering at just 15%.  This comes as no surprise, given that the Republican-led House has failed to use their legislative responsibility and power of the purse to improve the lives and safety of everyday Americans. As your representative in Washington DC, Brendan will support Veteran assistance programs and eliminate bureaucratic red tape.  He will promote the sanctity of life and the benefits of a nuclear family.  He will oppose overregulation of farming and support a baseline tariff system to level the playing field with foreign industries.  He will continue to protect and restore the Great Lakes, in cooperation with the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

With Lake Michigan as our border, West Michigan has an amazing industrial footprint, entrepreneurship mindset and a bustling agricultural landscape that is ripe for economic advancement.  

Action Items

Support our veterans
Promote sanctity of life, marriage and family
Protect local ownership of farms
Protect the Great Lakes
Unleash innovation in local businesses and universities